A strong voice for the community.
Community Collaboration.
Pamela understands the value and impact that a strong, connected community has on a public school system - in fact, she returned to Richardson specifically for the neighborhood schools. By purposefully building pathways for greater collaboration between our schools and the communities where they are located, we can tap new creativity, generate support in times of change and ensure that every voice is heard and every student has the support they need to thrive.
Student Success.
Every student in Richardson ISD deserves access to the resources, staff and opportunities that will help them succeed, regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic status or ZIP code. Pamela will work to ensure that improving educational outcomes for all students is at the heart of the decision-making process, so that resources and energy go where they are most needed - toward empowering our children to reach their full potential.
Support for Educators.
As the daughter of a former RISD teacher-turned-administrator, Pamela knows firsthand the dedication and hard work that our educators put in all day, every day. By staying connected to our educators and administrators and bringing their challenges and needs to the forefront, she is committed to ensuring that Richardson ISD continues to attract and retain top talent, and that our teachers and staff have the resources and support they need to continue providing an excellent education for our students.
Future-Focused Strategies.
While we advocate for increased public education funding from Austin, we must also plan to address the future needs RISD will face in the next 10 years. Pamela will bring a future-focused approach, working to ensure our district remains fiscally responsible, presses for the funding our schools need and prepares well to continue providing an exceptional education for all RISD students.
Every dollar helps Pamela reach voters and impact the future of Richardson ISD. But because she is committed to representing the community's voice on the RISD School Board, she is not accepting campaign contributions from PACs, partisan organizations or individuals who do not live or work within the RISD boundaries.
If you are an individual who lives or works in the RISD geography, you can give online or mail a check to:
Campaign Fund of Pamela Hughes
1415 Woodoak Drive
Richardson, TX 75082
Checks should be made out to “Campaign Fund of Pamela Hughes.”
Thank you for helping ensure we have the resources necessary to succeed on May 3!
“I believe that community engagement and communication with the public are the foundation of successful public schools, and that school board service should be free of partisan politics. Pamela Hughes will fulfill both of these aspects of school board service.”
— Anne Foster, Former RISD Trustee (1997-2006)